Do you need me?

I had a dream
That I was in the middle of
retrieving shredded wheat
and cheerios
from my own private stash because the housemate who always ate them
had moved out
and the new housemate said that she’d eat them with me


I realized that you were talking to me from my pocket
My phone was on and I rushed
to say your name so you wouldn’t hang up ¡God!
it’s been so long since I heard your voice
and there it was just like
except that I could hear unsaid tears in your voice as we struggled
to get past pleasantries and cell phone reception to
whatever had prompted you to call
to say something
after all these years.

-Toshio Kuratomi, Porto, 2023

Why upstream Ansible stopped shipping rpms

The upstream Ansible Project used to ship rpms and tarballs on their server, For Ansible-2.10+, they’ve (I’m part of the project although not the originator of this decision) decided not to ship rpms anymore and to push people to use as the official source of the tarballs. This came up in a recent thread on twitter with a question of whether this meant that Ansible was forgetting who it was meant to serve (sysadmins) as sysadmins want to get their software in their platforms’ native packaging format rather than the language packaging format.

I don’t think this decision, in and of itself, means that.

For tarballs, I’m not sure of the rationale but it doesn’t seem like a problem to me. Most python software packaged in Fedora has pypi as the canonical source of the tarballs.  Pypi serves as a hosting service for the source code rather than the point from which most Fedora users are going to install the software.

The lack of upstream rpms seems to be what triggered a nerve for some people. I was present for those discussions and I think the reasons make a lot of sense for end users.  A few of those reasons:

  • Fedora and EPEL have been building superior rpms since forever. There’s a few reasons that the Fedora and EPEL rpms are better in my mind:
    • They know the distro and the distro users that they’re targeting so they can do more specific things. For instance, they include a dependency on python-jmespath to make a popular filter plugin work out of the box. The upstream rpm did not as python-jmespath is available in EPEL but not in RHEL.
    • The Fedora rpms were able to switch over to Python3 when the distro did while the upstream rpm had to wait while other rpm-based distros caught up (the spec file was shared) and, with no specific roadmap for dropping python2 support, hesitated over whether switching the rpms would inconvenience its users.
    • The upstream version was an automated build. Not to say that all automated builds are always bad, but our build was really geared towards putting our software into an rpm rather than creating a high quality rpm in and of itself. Although we weren’t quite as bad as simply dropping a binary blob onto the filesystem, we did shortchange things like the rpm changelog because that wasn’t necessary to get the build to work.
  • Our rpms weren’t all that popular. We attributed that to most people using the rpms that came with Fedora or EPEL which we thought were much better overall, anyway.
  • It felt like our rpms were confusing the situation for end users. if you were a RHEL or CentOS user, you could get ansible rpms from three places: A Red Hat channel, EPEL, or All three of these sources shipped different rpms. Dependencies (as noted above) were different, the directories that end-users and other packages could install things into were present in some of the rpms and not others, docs might be built or not or not even shipped in some cases. An end user who installed from (the least popular of these sources) could be confused as to why certain things didn’t seem to work the way a blog post or article (written by someone with the EPEL rpm) implied it should.

Getting back to the fear that removing rpms from was an indication that ansible is forgetting that it is a tool for sysadmins and needs to be shipped in ways that sysadmins will find palatable…. I don’t think that the removal of rpms and tarballs is an indication as the above rationale seems like it will make things better for sysadmins in the end. However, ansible-2.10 is a big realignment of how ansible is developed and shipped and I think those changes are going to have costs for sysadmins [2]_, [3]_. nirik (Kevin Fenzi, the Fedora/EPEL ansible package maintainer) and I have been talking on and off about how the Fedora/EPEL ansible rpm should be adapted to minimize those costs but it is a large change and changes are often both hard in the transition and, after the transition is over, may be better in many areas but worse in some others. Ideas about how we can smooth out the things that are worse while taking advantage of the things that are better is appreciated!

Footnote [2]:

The problems driving upstream to make the major changes that are present in 2.10:

Footnote [3]:

A newer document, focused on the implementation of the changes proposed above and how they affect end users:

Managing vim8 plugins

Vim-8.x gained native plugin handling so that plugin managers like Pathogen and Vundle aren’t needed anymore. Enabling a plugin is as easy as cloning a git repository into the right directory (or unzipping a tarball or making the proper directories or….)

There’s a couple things that aren’t totally convenient, though. vim needs to have a command run to index the help files in a plugin otherwise vim’s :help command won’t be able to find it. And vim doesn’t know anything about how to update the plugins later. So I whipped up a quick script to do both of those things. It’s nothing special but gets the job done:

Optimizating Conway

Conway’s Game of Life seems to be a common programming exercise. I had to program it in Pascal when in High School and in C in an intro college programming course. I remember in college, since I had already programmed it before, that I wanted to optimize the algorithm. However, a combination of writing in C and having only a week to work on it didn’t leave me with enough time to implement anything fancy.

A couple years later, I hiked the Appalachian Trail. Seven months away from computers, just hiking day in and day out. One of the things I found myself contemplating when walking up and down hills all day was that pesky Game of Life algorithm and ways that I could improve it.

Fast forward through twenty intervening years of life and experience with a few other programming languages to last weekend. I needed a fun programming exercise to raise my spirits so I looked up the rules to Conway’s Game of Life, sat down with vim and python, and implemented a few versions to test out some of the ideas I’d had kicking around in my head for a quarter century.

This blog post will only contain a few snippets of code to illustrate the differences between each approach.  Full code can be checked out from this github repository.

The Naive Approach: Tracking the whole board

The naive branch is an approximation of how I would have first coded Conway’s Game of Life way back in that high school programming course. The grid of cells is what I would have called a two dimensional array in my Pascal and C days. In Python, I’ve more often heard it called a list of lists. Each entry in the outer list is a row on the grid which are each represented by another list. Each entry in the inner lists are cells in that row of the grid. If a cell is populated, then the list entry contains True. If not, then the list entry contains False.

One populated cell surrounded by empty cells would look like this:

board = [
         [False, False, False],
         [False, True, False],
         [False, False, False],

Looking up an individual cell’s status is a matter of looking up an index in two lists: First the y-index in the outer list and then the x-index in an inner list:

# Is there a populated cell at x-axis 0, y-axis 1?
if board[0][1] is True:

Checking for changes is done by looping through every cell on the Board, and checking whether each cell’s neighbors made the cell fit a rule to populate or depopulate the cell on the next iteration.

for y_idx, row in enumerate(board):
    for x_idx, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell:
            if not check_will_live((x_idx, y_idx), board, max_x, max_y):
                next_board[y_idx][x_idx] = False
            if check_new_life((x_idx, y_idx), board, max_x, max_y):
                next_board[y_idx][x_idx] = True

This is a simple mapping of the two-dimensional grid that Conway’s takes place on into a computer data structure and then a literal translation of Conway’s ruleset onto those cells. However, it seems dreadfully inefficient. Even in college I could see that there should be easy ways to speed this up; I just needed the time to implement them.

Intermediate: Better checking

The intermediate branch rectifies inefficiencies with checking of the next generation cells. The naive branch checks every single cell that is present in the grid. However, thinking about most Conway setups, most of the cells are blank. If we find a way to ignore most of the blank cells, then it would save us a lot of work. We can’t ignore all blank cells, though; if a blank cell has exactly three populated neighbors then the blank cell will become populated in the next generation.

The key to satisfying both of those is to realize that all the cells we’re going to need to change will either be populated (in which case, they could die and become empty in the next generation) or they will be a neighbor of a populated cell (in which case, they may become populated next generation). So we can loop through our board and ignore all of the unpopulated cells at first. If we find a populated cell, then we must both check that cell to see if it will die and also check its empty neighbors to see if they will be filled in the next generation.

The major change to implement that is here:

       checked_cells = set()
       # We still loop through every cell in the board but now
       # the toplevel code to do something if the cell is empty
       # has been removed.
       for y_idx, row in enumerate(board):
            for x_idx, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell:
                    if not check_will_live((x_idx, y_idx), board, max_x, max_y):
                        next_board[y_idx][x_idx] = False
                    # Instead, inside of the conditional block to
                    # process when a cell is populated, there's
                    # a new loop to check all of the neighbors of
                    # a populated cell.
                    for neighbor in (n for n in find_neighbors((x_idx, y_idx), max_x, max_y)
                                     if n not in checked_cells):
                        # If the cell is empty, then we check whether
                        # it should be populated in the next generation
                        if not board[neighbor[1]][neighbor[0]]:
                            if check_new_life(neighbor, board, max_x, max_y):
                                next_board[neighbor[1]][neighbor[0]] = True

Observant readers might also notice that I’ve added a checked_cells set. This tracks which empty cells we’ve already examined to see if they will be populated next generation. Making use of that means that we will only check a specific empty cell once per generation no matter how many populated cells it’s a neighbor of.

These optimizations to the checking code made things about 6x as fast as the naive approach.

Gridless: Only tracking populated cells

The principle behind the intermediate branch of only operating on populated cells and their neighbors seemed like it should be applicable to the data structure I was storing the grid in as well as the checks. Instead of using fixed length arrays to store both the populated and empty portions of the grid, I figured it should be possible to simply store the populated portions of the grid and then use those for all of our operations.

However, C is a very anemic language when it comes to built in data structures.
if I was going to do that in my college class, I would have had to implement a linked list or a hash map data structure before I even got to the point where I could implement the rules of Conway’s Game of Life. Today, working in Python with it’s built in data types, it was very quick to implement a data structure of only the populated cells.

For the gridless branch, I replaced the 2d array with a set. The set contained tuples of (x-coordinate, y-coordinate) which defined the populated cells. One populated cell surrounded by empty cells would look like this:

board = set((

Using a set had all sorts of advantages:

  • Setup became a matter of adding tuples representing just the populated cells to the set instead of creating the list of lists and putting True or False into every one of the list’s cells:
        - board = []
        - for y in range(0, max_y):
        -     for x in range(0, max_x):
        -         board[x][y] = (x, y) in initial_dataset
        + board = set()
        + for x, y in initial_dataset:
        +     board.add((x, y))
  • For most cases, the set will be smaller than the list of lists as it only has to store entries for the populated cells, not for all of the cells in the grid. Some patterns may be larger than the list of lists (because the overhead of the set is more than the overhead for a list of lists) but those patterns are largely unstable; after a few generations, the number of depopulated cells will increase to a level where the set will be smaller.
  • Displaying the grid only has to loop through the populated cells instead of looping through every entry in the list of lists to find the populated cells:

        - for y in range(0, max_y):
        -     for x in range(0, max_x):
        -         if board[x][y]:
        -             screen.addstr(y, x, ' ', curses.A_REVERSE)
        + for (x, y) in board:
        +     screen.addstr(y, x, ' ', curses.A_REVERSE)
  • Instead of copying the old board and then changing the status of cells each generation, it is now feasible to simply populate a new set with populated cells every generation. This is because the set() is empty except for the populated cells whereas the list of lists would need to have both the populated and the empty cells set to either True or False.

             - next_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
             + next_board = set()
  • Similar to the display loop, the main loop which checks what happens to the cells can now just loop through the populated cells instead of having to search the entire grid for them:

            # Perform checks and update the board
            for cell in board:
                if check_will_live(cell, board, max_x, max_y):
                babies = check_new_life(cell, board, max_x, max_y)
            board = next_board
  • Checking whether a cell is populated now becomes a simple containment check on a set which is faster than looking up the list indexes in the 2d array:

    - if board[cell[0]][cell[1]]:
    + if cell in board:

Gridless made the program about 3x faster than intermediate, or about 20x faster than naive.

Master: Only checking cell changes once per iteration

Despite being 3x faster than intermediate, gridless was doing some extra work. The code in the master branch attempts to correct those.

The most important change was that empty cells in gridless were being checked for each populated cell that was its neighbor. Adding a checked_cells set like the intermediate branch had to keep track of that ensures that we only check whether an empty cell should be populated in the next generation one time:

        checked_cells = set()
        for cell in board:
            if check_will_live(cell, board, max_x, max_y):
            # Pass checked_cells into check_new_life so that
            # checking skips empty neighbors which have already
            # been checked this generation
            babies, barren = check_new_life(cell, board, checked_cells, max_x, max_y)

The other, but relatively small, optimization was to use Python’s builtin least-recently-used cache decorator on the find_neighbors function. This allowed us to skip computing the set of neighboring cells when those cells were requested soon after each other. In the set-based code, finding_neighbors is called for the same cell back to back quite frequently so this did have a noticable impact.

+ @functools.lru_cache()
  def find_neighbors(cell, max_x, max_y):

These changes sped up the master branch an additional 30% over what gridless had achieved or nearly 30x as fast as the naive implementation that we started with.

What have I learned?

  • I really made these optimizations to Conway’s Game of Life purely to see whether any of the ideas I had had about it in the past 25 years would make a difference. It is pleasing to see that they did.
  • I think that choice of programming language made a huge difference in how I approached this problem. Even allowing that I was a less experienced programmer 25 years ago, I think that the cost in programmer time to implement sets and other advanced data structures in C would likely have taken long enough that I wouldn’t have finished the fastest of these designs as a one week class assignment using C. Implementing the same ideas in Python, where the data structures exist as part of the language, took less than a day.
  • I had originally envisioned using a linked list or set instead of a 2d array as purely a memory optimization. After I started coding it, it quickly became clear that only saving the populated cells also reduced the number of cells that would have to be searched through. I’d like to say I saw that from the beginning but it was just serendipity.

Python, signal handlers, and exceptions

Never ever, ever raise a regular exception in a Python signal handler.

This is probably the best advice that I had never heard.  But after looking into an initial analysis of a timeout decorator bug it’s advice that I wish was prominently advertised.  So I’m publishing this little tale to let others know about this hidden gotcha so that, just maybe, when you have an opportunity to do this, a shiver will run down your spine, your memory will be tickled, and you’ll be able to avoid the pitfalls that I’ve recorded here.

When will I need to be reminded of this?

Signals are a means provided by an operating system to inform programs of  events that aren’t part of their normal program flow.  If you’re on a UNIX-like operating system and hit Control-C to cancel a program running in the shell, you’ve used a signal.  Control-C in the shell sends a SIGINT (Interrupt) signal to the program.  The program receives the SIGINT and a signal handler (a function which is written to take appropriate action when a signal is received) is invoked to handle it.  In most cases, for SIGINT, the signal handler tries to complete any pressing work (for instance, to finish writing data to a file so that the file isn’t left in a half-written state) and then causes the program to exit.

Python provides a signal library which is very similar to the C API underneath Python.  Python does a little bit of behind the scenes work to make sure that signals appear to be interacting with Python code rather than interfering with the interpreter’s implementation (meaning that signals will appear to happen between Python’s byte code instructions rather than leaving a Python instruction half-completed).

Your mission: exit when a signal occurs

If you search the internet for how to implement a timeout in Python, you’ll find tons of examples using signals, including one from the standard library documentation and one which is probably where the design for our original decorator came from.  So let’s create some quick test code to show how the signal works to implement a timeout

import signal
import time

def handler(signum, frame):
    print('Signal handler called with signal',
    raise OSError("timeout exceeded!")

def long_function():

# Set the signal handler and a 1-second alarm
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,
# This sleeps for longer than the alarm
start = time.time()
except OSError as e:
    duration = time.time() - start
    print('Duration: %.2f' % duration)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)
    signal.alarm(0) # Disable the alarm

This code is adapted from the example of implementing a timeout in the standard library documentation.  We first define a signal handler named handler() which will raise an OSError when it’s invoked. We then define a function, long_function() which is designed to take longer to run than our timeout. The we hook everything together:

  • On lines 13-14 we register the handler to be invoked when a SIGALRM occurs.
  • On line 15 we tell Python to emit SIGALRM after 1 second.
  • On line 19 we call long_function()
  • On line 20-23, we specify what happens when a timeout occurs
  • In the finally block on lines 24-26, we undo our signal handler by first re-registering the prior SIGALARM handler as the function to invoke if a new SIGALRM occurs and then disabling the alarm that we had previously set.

When we run the code we see that the signal handler raises the OSError as expected:

$ /bin/time -p python3
Signal handler called with signal 14
Duration: 1.00
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 18, in
  File "", line 11, in long_function
  File "", line 8, in handler
    raise OSError("timeout exceeded!")
OSError: timeout exceeded!
real 1.04

Although long_function() takes 10 seconds to complete, the SIGALRM fires after 1 second.  That causes handler() to run which raises the OSError with the message timeout exceeded!.  The exception propagates to our toplevel where it is caught and prints Duration: 1.00 before re-raising so we can see the traceback.  We see that the output of /bin/time roughly agrees with the duration we calculated within the program… just a tad over 1 second to run the whole thing.

Exceptions seem to be working…?

It’s time to make our long_function code a little less trivial.

import signal
import time

def handler(signum, frame):
    print('Signal handler called with signal',
    raise OSError("timeout exceeded!")

def long_function():
        with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:
            data =
            # Simulate reading a lot of data
    except OSError:
        # retry once:
        with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:
            data =

# Set the signal handler and a 5-second alarm
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,
start = time.time()
# This sleeps for longer than the alarm
except OSError as e:
    duration = time.time() - start
    print('Duration: %.2f' % duration)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)
    signal.alarm(0)        # Disable the alarm

We’ve changed long_function(), lines 9-20, to do two new things:

  1. It now reads from a file.  We still have time.sleep(), but that’s just to simulate a long read operation which will trigger our timeout.
  2. Open() and read() can raise a variety of exceptions.  If open() or read() raise an OSError exception, we want to retry reading the file once before we give up.

So what happens when we run this version?

$ /bin/time -p python3
Signal handler called with signal 14
real 11.07

That was unexpected…

As you can see from the output, our program still fired the SIGALRM.  And the signal handler still ran.  But after it ran, everything else seems to be different.  Apparently, the OSError didn’t propagate up the stack to our toplevel so we didn’t print the duration.  Furthermore, we ended up waiting for approximately 10 seconds in addition to the 1 second we waited for the timeout. What happened?

The key to understanding this is to understand that when the signal handler is invoked, Python adds the call to the signal handler onto its current call stack (The call stack roughly represents the nesting of functions that lead up to where the code is currently executing.  So, in our example, inside of the signal handler, the call stack would start with the module toplevel, then long_function(), and finally handler().  If you look at the traceback from the first example, you can see exactly that call stack leading you through all the function calls to the point where the exception was raised.)  When the signal handler raises its exception, Python unwinds the call stack one function at a time to find an exception handler (not to be confused with our signal handler) which can handle the exception.

Where was the program waiting when SIGALRM was emitted?  It was on line 14, inside of long_function().  So Python acts as though handler() was invoked directly after that line.  And when handler() raises its OSError exception, Python then unwinds the call stack from handler() to long_function() and sees that on line 15, there’s an except OSError: and so Python lets it catch the signal handler’s OSError instead of propagating it up the stack further.  And in our code, that exception handler decides to retry reading the file which is where there is a second 10 second delay as we read the file.  Since the SIGALRM was already used up, the timeout doesn’t fire this time.  So the rest of the bug progresses from there: long_function() now waits the full 10 seconds before returning because there’s no timeout to stop it.  It then returns normally to its caller.  The caller doesn’t receive an OSError exception.  So it doesn’t fire its own OSError exception handler which would have printed the Duration.

Okay, this isn’t good. Can it get worse?

There are even less intuitive ways that this bug can be provoked. For instance:

def long_function():
    except Exception:

In this version, we don’t have the context clue that we’re raising OSError in the signal handler and mistakenly catching it in long_function(). An experienced Python coder will realize that except Exception is sufficiently broad to be catching OSError, but in the clutter of other function calls and without the same named exception to provoke their suspicions initially, they might not realize that the occasional problems with the timeout not working could be triggered by this late exception handler.

This is also problematic if the programmer is having to orient themselves off of a traceback. That would lead them to look inside of long_function() for the source of a OSError. They won’t find it there because it’s inside of the signal handler which is outside of the function.

import zipfile
def long_function():

In this case, there’s no exception handling in our code to clue us in. If you look at the implementation of zipfile.is_zipfile(), though, you’ll see that there’s an except OSError: inside of there. If the timeout’s alarm ends up firing while you are inside of that code, is_zipfile() will just as happily swallow the OSError as an exception handler inside of long_function() would have.

So I think I can solve this if I….

There are ways to make the timeout functionality more robust. For instance, let’s define our handler like this:

import functools

class OurTimeout(BaseException):

def handler(timeout, signum, frame):
    print('Signal handler called with signal',
    raise OurTimeout("timeout exceeded!")

# toplevel code:
one_second_timeout = functools.partial(handler, 1)
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, one_second_timeout)
except OurTimeout:
    print('Timeout from our timeout function)

The first thing you can see is that this now raises a custom timeout which inherits from BaseException. This is more robust than using standard timeouts which are rooted at Exception because well written Python code won’t catch exceptions inheriting directly from BaseException. It’s not foolproof, however, because it’s only convention that prevents someone from catching BaseException. And no matter how good a Python programmer you are, I’m sure you’ve been lazy enough to write code like this at least once:

def long_function():
        with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:
        # I'll fix the possible exception classes later

Bare except: catches any exception, including BaseException so using a bare except will still break this timeout implementation.

The second thing this implementation changes is to reset the alarm inside of the signal handler. This is helpful as it means that the code will be able to timeout multiple times to get back to the toplevel exception handler. In our retry example, Both the initial attempt and the retry attempt would timeout so long_function() would end up taking only two seconds and fail due to our timeout in the end. However, there are still problems. For instance, this code ends up taking timeout * 3 seconds instead of just timeout seconds because the exception handler prevents us from hitting the break statement so we’ll have to keep hitting the timeout:

def long_function():
    for i in range(0, 3):
        except OSError:

The following code, (arguably buggy because you *should* disable the alarm as the first thing in the recovery code instead of the last) can end up aborting the toplevel code’s recovery effort if timeout is too short:

except OSError:

So even though this code is better than before, it is still fragile, error prone, and can do the wrong thing even with code that isn’t obviously wrong.

Doctor, is there still hope?

When I was looking at the problem with the timeout decorator in Ansible what struck me was that when using the decorator, the decorator was added outside of a function telling it to timeout but the timeout was occurring and potentially being processed inside of the function. That meant that it would always be unintuitive and error prone to someone trying to use the decorator:

def long_function():
        # Try an alternative

except timeout.TimeoutError:
    print('long_function did not complete')

When looking at the code, the assumption is that on the inside there’s long_function, then outside of it, the timeout code, and outside of that the caller. So the expectation is that an exception raised by the timeout code should only be processed by the caller since exceptions in Python only propagate up the call stack. Since the decorator’s functionality was implemented via a signal handler, though, that expectation was disappointed.

To solve this, I realized that the way signals and exceptions interact would never allow exceptions to propagate correctly. So I switched from using a signal to using one thread for the timeout and one thread for running the function. Simplified, that flow looks like this (You can look at the code for the new decorator in Ansible if you’re okay with the GPLv3+ license. The following code is all mine in case you want to re-implement the idea without the GPLv3+ restrictions:

import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.pool

def timeout(seconds=10):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=1)
            results = pool.apply_async(func, args, kwargs)
                return results.get(seconds)
            except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
                raise OSError('Timeout expired after: %s' % seconds)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

def long_func():
    except OSError:
    print('end of long_func')

except OSError as e:

Edit: Davi Aguiar pointed out that the snippet was leaving the thread running after timeout. The example has been updated to add a pool.terminate() call inside of a finally: to take care of reaping the thread after the timeout expires.

As you can see, I create a multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool with a single thread in it. Then I run the decorated function in that thread. I use res.get(timeout) with the timeout we set to get the results or raise an exception if the timeout is exceeded. If the timeout was exceeded, then I throw the OSError to be like our first example.

If all goes well, the exception handling inside of long_func won’t have any effect on what happens. Let’s see:

$ python2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 49, in
  File "", line 35, in wrapper
    raise OSError('Timeout expired after: %s' % seconds)
OSError: Timeout expired after: 1

Yep, as you can see from the stack trace, the OSError is now being thrown from the decorator, not from within long_func(). So only the toplevel exception handler has a chance to handle the exception. This leads to more intuitive code and hopefully less bugs down the road.

So are there ever times when a signal handler is the right choice?

Signal handlers can be used for more than just timeouts. And they can do other things besides trying to cancel an ongoing function. For instance, the Apache web server has a signal handler for the HUP (HangUP) signal. When it receives that, it reloads its configuration from disk. If you take care to catch any potential exceptions during that process, you shouldn’t run across these caveats because these problems only apply to raising an exception from the signal handler.

When you do want to exit the function via a signal handler, I would be a little hesitant because you can never entirely escape from the drawbacks above and threading provides a more intuitive interface for the called and calling code.  I think that a few practices make it more robust, however.  As mentioned above:

  • Use a custom exception inheriting directly from BaseException to reduce the likelihood that unexpected code will catch it.
  • If you are doing it for a timeout, remember to reset the alarm inside of the signal handler in case something does catch your custom exception.  At least then you’ll continue to hit timeouts until you finally escape the code.

And one that wasn’t mentioned before:

It’s better to make an ad hoc exception-raising signal handler that handles a specific problem inside of a function rather than attempting to place it outside of the function.  For instance:

def timeout_handler():
    raise BaseException('Timeout')

def long_function():
        old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,
        time.sleep(10)   # Placeholder for the real,
                         # potentially blocking code
    except BaseException:
        print('Timed out!')
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)


Why is it better to do it this way? If you do this, you localize the exception catching due to the signal handler with the code that could potentially raise the exception. It isn’t foolproof as you are likely still going to call helper functions (even in the stdlib) which could handle a conflicting exception but at least you are more clearly aware of the fact that the exception could potentially originate from any of your code inside this function rather than obfuscating all of that behind a function call.