Python3 porting organization

Last week, a few people crawled out of the wordwork and decided we wanted to start porting third party python modules to python3. We need a bit of structure for this since some of the time, we have people who are packagers for individual Linux distributions (or even, just at the one company that they work for) doing the job of porting something they need over. The work that is done in that one place then doesn’t get upstreamed for some reason (upstream is dead, upstream only wants to work on python2 problems at the moment, you got busy and forgot about it). Having a central place to coordinate these efforts would make for a nice way to make sure that we’re working on things that no one else has done instead of everybody duplicating efforts.

With that in mind, we’ve decided that we should collaborate on the python porting mailing list to try to organize what we’re doing. If you’re interested in doing some of this python3 porting work, join up and see how you can help!

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